Child Development By Subject, Math and Numbers
How to Teach a Child to Multiply Big Numbers
You can use fun games, such as lattice multiplication, to teach math and make math fun.
Child Development By Subject, Math and Numbers
You can use fun games, such as lattice multiplication, to teach math and make math fun.
Child Development, Child Development By Subject, Math and Numbers
This post focuses on different ways to teach a child to recognize numbers
Child Development, Key Milestones
Children go through various stages of development in their growth. This post answers the question: What are the developmental stages of childhood?
Child Development By Subject, Math and Numbers
Here are seven steps that will help your child learn how to read numbers quickly and easily—and, even more important, retain those skills long-term!
This post answers the question: What is the most difficult age to parent? and presents some tips to help you get through the tough stages .
Child Development, Toys For Child Development
The worst toys for development are those that prevent a child from moving. Children need to move around to develop their brains.
Child Development, Key Milestones
Physical development milestones for children are important because they help parents understand what their children should be able to do by certain ages.
Child Development, Child Development By Subject, Math and Numbers
There are many reasons you should teach your child math at home. We are surrounded by math all round our lives.
Child Development By Subject, Math and Numbers
One of the best ways to teach numbers to preschoolers include, skywriting, one-to-one correspondence, abucus, songs and games, etc
Child Development, Toys For Child Development
The posts presents a number of great toys for baby development at one year old