Child Development, Toys For Child Development

Toys For Baby Development at One Year Old


by GigglePanda


There are a number of great toys for baby development at this age, and they can help your child develop mentally and physically. These items can range from educational toys like magnetic toys, to activity tables and magnets. Whether your baby is just a few months old or a year old, there are toys that can help them develop social skills and build their confidence.

Educational Toys

The best educational toys for one-year-olds are those that help the child develop fine and gross motor skills.  They also foster problem-solving skills. A piano mat, for example, can help develop hand-eye coordination. The piano mat also encourages mobility. It can be set up in minutes.

A baby’s first year is filled with wonder and curiosity. Toys that mimic the world are great choices, as they can teach them about what is around them. Moreover, bright colors can help your child develop his or her visual sense. This will help them differentiate between objects, letters, and other things in their surroundings. It will take them a while, however, to recognize and name colors.

A Dollhouse

Another good option for a one-year-old is a dollhouse. This will help your child develop his or her fine motor skills, as well as encourage pretend play. A dollhouse is a great option for one-year-olds because it will allow your child to explore a variety of different things. It will also give him or her hours of quiet, focused play.

When a baby reaches this age, he or she starts to learn to distinguish different colors and shapes. By three months, he or she can start doing simple puzzles and pedaling a tricycle. In addition, these toys can help a baby develop new skills and learn through repetition.

A Talking Dinosaur

Another fun toy for a one-year-old is a talking dinosaur. It not only helps the child develop his or her fine motor skills, but it can also help your child learn to recognize the different kinds of food. He or she can also practice saying hello and goodbye. Moreover, he or she can learn the pronunciation of their name.

A Whale-Shaped Ball Popper

A whale-shaped ball popper is also an excellent toy. It encourages crawling and encourages cause-and-effect learning. It can also be used as a playmat. When used as a play mat, it can be easily secured to the changing table, the car seat, or the stroller.

Wooden Activity Cube

Another great toy for a one-year-old is a wooden activity cube. It has five different surfaces that the child can use for different activities. It comes with an abacus, spinning blocks, and knobs that make the learning process fun. It is also eco-friendly, and comes with an activity guide so parents can plan fun games for their baby.

Art Toys

One-year-olds also enjoy creating art. However, regular crayons are not suitable for tiny hands because their tip can break. Moreover, regular crayons are prone to breaking, making a mess. For this reason, palm-grasp crayons are a great option for toddlers because they are practically impossible to break. Besides, these crayons also encourage artistic expression.

For toddlers, the best toys are the ones that help them develop new physical skills and explore questions. Simple items like a ball or a push toy that can be pushed or pulled by walking are great for this age group. A wooden knob puzzle or a cube block can also be a great choice.


Magnets are very appealing to babies, but it is important to keep them away from the young ones. They can cause serious injuries if swallowed. The magnets can pull together in the digestive system, cutting off the blood supply. This can lead to an infection or even death. This is why parents should remove magnets from their baby’s toys and immediately take them to the emergency room if they notice anything is wrong.

Magnets are also a fun way to introduce scientific principles to toddlers. They also help increase fine motor development and coordination. Magnetic toys can also inspire creativity and imagination. They are great STEM activities for toddlers because they don’t require complicated supplies. All you need is a magnet and some magnetic paper.

Magnetic toys & Fine Motor Skills

Magnetic toys can help your child develop fine motor skills, hand eye co-ordination, spatial awareness, and problem-solving skills. They can also improve concentration and balance. They are also a great way to introduce basic math. Children with autism and ADHD can also benefit from playing with magnetic blocks.

Magnetic blocks are also great for stimulating your baby’s imagination and developing their physical skills. They engage all the senses and help children make their own decisions about their play. Learning about the world and how things work is essential for a child’s development. Magnet toys encourage kids to explore the world around them and learn more about it.

Magnets and STEM

Magnets are great for teaching children about science and engineering. Magnet play also helps children with language skills by teaching them new words and shapes related to magnets. Children also learn about engineering and problem-solving with the use of magnets. In addition to learning about science, magnet play also helps your child learn about engineering by building structures.

Magnets are great for toddlers. These toys help toddlers explore how things move when they are attracted to them. A toddler can try to guess which objects a magnet will attract and see how many things they can pick up at one time. This activity also helps them learn how to sort different magnetic items into groups.

Magnets are also great for exploring colors and shapes. Use a magnetic wand or SmartMax(r) rod to help your child explore the properties of magnets. It’s important to remember that magnetic materials should not pose a choking hazard. You can also try to make a magnetic treasure hunt using household objects, such as plastic toys, toy cars, wooden blocks, and other non-magnetic items.

Activity Table

An activity table for your 1 year old baby will help them develop various skills and develop their sense of creativity and motor skills. These tables are versatile and can be easily removed and rearranged according to your child’s needs. They also help refine their motor skills and are eco-friendly. These tables can last for many years. There are many models available in the market.

It is important to buy a table that is safe and appropriate for your child’s age. The activity table should have some toys that are easy to handle and that will encourage your baby to participate. It should not have too many gadgets or small knobs as this can be confusing for the child.

How to Choose the Best Activity Table

Choosing an activity table is important as you want to choose something that your baby will enjoy for a long time. You should choose one that allows your child to sit, stand, crawl, and walk on. Some tables also feature detachable legs, which is a good option for babies who are not walking yet.

You can place them on the floor when your baby is not yet able to walk, and you can easily attach them back when your child can stand on his or her own.

The ideal age to buy an activity table is when your baby is around six months old. The table should be high enough for your child to sit and stand without assistance. You should also consider the size and weight of the table. A table that is too large for your child could pose a safety hazard for your child.

Besides keeping your baby occupied, an activity table also helps in developing their independence. This will help them develop their dexterity and fine motor skills. Moreover, the table will enable you to accomplish some personal tasks while your baby plays. In addition, it will allow you to relax as he or she plays on it.

The Janod wooden activity table  is suitable for babies of one year and up. The Janod table has four unassembled legs and multiple toys. The set comes with a set of music CDs and other activities for your baby to learn.

The table is made of wood and is durable. However, it is important to note that you will need to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines carefully before using this activity table.

The Skip Hop Baby Activity Center  is another multi-function activity table that has a growing feature that allows your child to use the table in a variety of seating positions. It also supports your baby’s entire body, making it a safe and durable option for your baby. It is also easy to store and transport.

Most activity tables are designed for babies aged six months to three years old. However, there are also options for older children. Some tables can even be used as a lap toy.


We are child development enthusiasts. Based on our parenting journeys, we are passionate about gathering information, research backed insights and resources to help other parents and teachers put children on a solid path beyond development to excellence.