Child Development, Toys For Child Development

What Educational Toys For 2 Year Olds Are Available?


by GigglePanda


When you are looking for toys for your two-year-old, you have a number of choices. There are endless choices for educational toys.

Toys Enhance Child Development

For example, there are building blocks that your child can play with that will help him or her learn the letters and numbers. You can also use blocks to create games and create educational activities. There are no limits to the creativity that can be done with these toys.

These educational toys for toddlers are designed to help them develop skills like counting, matching colors, shapes, numbers, letters, and more.

Educational toys for toddlers are great tools that will help children learn new things while having fun at the same time.

Counting Blocks

There are so many different kinds of blocks available today that it can be hard to choose what kind of block toy would work best for your 2 year old child. If you’re looking for something simple, try using wooden blocks with brightly colored pieces. You can also use these blocks as building blocks by stacking them together.

Matching Colors

Blocks come in many different sizes and shapes. They can be made out of wood, plastic, metal, or foam. Wooden blocks are usually easier to put together than other materials because they are lighter and less likely to break.

Shape Sorting

This shape sorting toy helps children learn how to identify shapes by color and size. It includes four wooden cubes with different colored sides. Children can sort the cubes into groups based on color and size.

Number Recognition

This number recognition toy helps children learn how numbers work. It has three blocks with numbers printed on each side. Children can use the blocks to match up numbers.

Letter Recognition

This letter recognition toy helps children learn to recognize letters. It has two blocks with different colored sides. Children can use the block to match up letters.


If you’re looking for educational toys for your 2-year-old, Duplos are a great option. This set of bricks includes letter blocks, colors, figures, and even a truck. The bricks are easy to handle and stack, and they’re great for developing your child’s fine motor skills. They also encourage independent play.

Duplos are larger versions of Lego blocks, which are designed to be easier for tiny hands to handle. The blocks are made of bright colors and have the letters of the alphabet on them, and your child can learn his ABCs and 123s while playing. There are also several sets that include pre-Duplo mega bloks, which are ideal for teaching stacking.

Duplos also come in sets that feature different characters and themes. For example, you can purchase the LEGO DUPLO  Farm Animal Care set, which includes four different animals. This set has specific blocks for the letter “A” and “B.” You can also get an ice cream kiosk, a restroom block, and animal figurines.

LEGO DUPLO My First Fun Puzzle Building Blocks

Another great choice for younger children is LEGO DUPLO My First Fun Puzzle Building Blocks. This set includes 120 colorful blocks. Your child can use them to build new things or enhance an existing set. These blocks are made of different colors, which allow your child to build anything from a hot air balloon to a little house.

The LEGO DUPLO space shuttle is another great option. This set promotes social and emotional awareness, as well as improving recognition of the alphabet and numbers. The 23-piece set also features a radar-mounted roaming buggy that your toddler can play with. It also comes with five read-along books.

Inno Pad

Two-year-olds are in the midst of a learning curve. They’re gaining skills in everything from fine motor skills to cognitive skills. They’re starting to grasp puzzle pieces and figure out shapes. They also enjoy pretend play toys and exploring their environment. Educational toys are a great way to encourage learning while letting them express their creativity.

This STEM-themed media pad helps your child learn the alphabet, shapes, numbers, and other concepts. Children can also learn about different animals and weather patterns. The tablet is portable and can fit into a backpack or purse. It also requires three AAA alkaline batteries for proper operation.

The Inno Pad is also easy to clean and maintain. It can be washed in 10 seconds and has a warranty. This means that your child can use it for many years without having to worry about it wearing out. This learning toy is a great investment for your child.

Insect Lore

Bright Minds invited us to review their Butterfly Garden, which comes with all of the materials needed to raise a butterfly from caterpillar to butterfly. The kit comes with a cup to hold live baby caterpillars and a feeder, plus instructions.

While the kit is only available during Spring and early Summer, it includes everything you need to raise your own butterflies. The kit even comes with email reminders so you know when to check in on your caterpillars and what they’re eating.

The Wind-up Butterfly Kit is a fantastic choice for children ages 2 and up. This educational toy is powered by a rubber band, and will keep kids entertained for hours. Each butterfly is made from different materials, so your little one’s butterfly may be a slightly different color than the one pictured.

Leapfrog Learning Friends 100 Words Book

The LeapFrog Learning Friends 100 Word Book for 2-year-olds is a colorful learning book that teaches your toddler the sounds of 100 age-appropriate words. It features fun facts and exciting sound effects. The pages are colorful, with multiple colors and categories.

The touch-sensitive pictures make the book easy for toddlers to operate. It may be helpful to adjust the touch sensitivity so your toddler can touch the words. This will also help them develop their fine motor skills. They’ll also enjoy the music that comes with the book.

Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog

Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog is a great educational toy for your toddler. It’s recommended for ages 18 months and up. It will help your child learn about colours, shapes and numbers. It also comes with an activity guide that will help your child learn how to use the product.

Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog is designed to improve fine motor skills in your child. It’s made from colorful, friendly materials and is easy to grasp. It helps your toddler with color recognition, sorting, and counting skills. It also comes in pieces so your child can store it easily.

Spike is a high-quality toy made of rubber. It has five different colours and five different textures. It also has numbers to help your child learn numbers and counting. Some children may tire of it after a while, but overall it’s a great toy for your toddler.

Toys can be educational for kids of all ages, but they should be appropriate for their age group. For example, Spike the Hedgehog is designed to improve your toddler’s fine motor skills. Aside from stimulating play, these toys can help your child develop their social-emotional and cognitive skills.

Why Toys are Important For Child Development

Toys can help a child develop cognitive and small motor skills. They also encourage name recognition and emergent literacy skills. For example, a toy dog or a puppy can be a great tool for teaching your toddler to recognize the sounds of the world. The repetition of the animal or picture will also help the child associate the sound with the picture.

Safety Is Key

Toys that encourage physical play are great for older children, too. A tricycle will encourage a child to move their arms and legs around. However, parents should teach children the importance of wearing a helmet when riding. This will protect them from any possible injury. It is also important to teach your child how to properly use a helmet.

How Different Types of Toys Enhance Child Development

Balls are another great choice for young children. Ball play encourages eye-hand coordination and helps with motor skills. It is also a great way to promote social development. Soft balls like Whiffle balls are easiest for babies to grasp. When buying toys for child development, it is best to buy those that reflect your child’s interests and personalities.

Another great toy is an activity play gym. These gyms encourage your child to move around and to explore. They also provide a variety of textures to stimulate different sensory areas. They are perfect for babies who are just starting to sit up and play with toys. These toys are also a great choice for Christmas gifts.

Best Toys Encourage Physical Activity

The best toys for child development are the ones that stimulate physical development, mental activity, and bonding with other children. It is important to select age-appropriate toys for your child to avoid the risk of choking and other hazards. Choose colorful and simple toys that encourage play. Don’t buy complex and advanced toys.

The most common types of toys for child development include those for motor and memory development. The simplest toys can even help children develop their language skills. Toys that develop these skills can also help children develop their social skills. Toys can also help them learn about the roles of adults. For example, children can learn to play the role of a baby, or to clean up after themselves.

There are many types of educational toys for children of all ages. One-year-olds will benefit from toys that stimulate their development by encouraging their creativity, visual stimulation, and constructive skills. Toys for toddlers also encourage language and math skills. At this age, children are also gaining independence and taking fewer naps during the day.

Final Thoughts

Educational toys for 2 year olds help children develop their intellectual, physical, and emotional skills. They can also teach children to resolve conflict and share. In addition, they can improve their gross and fine motor skills. They can also stimulate creativity and imagination.


We are child development enthusiasts. Based on our parenting journeys, we are passionate about gathering information, research backed insights and resources to help other parents and teachers put children on a solid path beyond development to excellence.