Child Development, Child Development By Subject, Math and Numbers

How to Teach Ordering Numbers to Kindergartners – The Simple Way!


by GigglePanda


‍Many of you may already know how to teach your child about numbers. But for those of you who do not, this article will explain everything you need to know!

What is a number?

A number is a measurement that can be used to describe different quantities of things. For example, 3 is a number that represents three objects: a person, a car, and a planet. You can also use numbers to represent different objects in your own life, like the number of people in your home or the number of times you have fallen off the stage in your life!

In most situations, you will use words to describe what a number means instead of using numbers. The following are some words that can be used to teach children about numbers: – less – more – less than – greater than – equal to – different from – odd – even – two – three – four – five – six – seven – eight – nine – ten

Why does teaching your child about numbers matter?

This question will probably sound odd to you, considering that you are probably well-versed in teaching number sense to children. But bear with me for a moment.

When teaching a child about numbers, we are trying to instil a sense of logic and reason into their minds. If you can explain to your child the concept of “less than”, “more than”, and “equal to”, they will likely be much better equipped to handle arguments and comparisons in their own lives.

How to Teach Ordering Numbers to Kindergarteners

There are a few different ways to teach order to your child. You can start with the easiest, and work your way up to the most advanced. The easiest way is to use a stacking or adding-subtracting activity. For example, you could have your child stack 3 objects of his/her choosing on top of each other, or he could subtract 3 items of his choosing from a pile of 5 and then add them back to the pile.

If your child can do this activity independently, you are halfway to teaching him about order! Another method is to have your child identify which number goes with which item. This can be done using a variety of activities, but one good example is having your child stand in a line with 3 items of his choosing and have you tell him which number goes with it.

You can then follow this activity by having your child walk in a circle with 3 items of his choosing and you telling him which number goes with them. If your child can complete this activity independently, you have a much better chance of success with a higher IQ child.

How to Teach Summing up with a Number

Another great way to incorporate order into your child’s learning is to have him/her complete a summing-up activity with a number-related project or activity. For example, let’s say your child is learning about odd and even numbers. You could have them complete an activity where they list all the items that make up their number “collection” (e.g., three, four, five, etc.) and then have them explain why each item is in that number collection. This is a great way to teach your child about the relationship between numbers and different types of items.


Well, there you have it! A simple yet effective method to teach your child about numbers. We hope that this article was informative and helpful to those of you who are struggling with this lesson. The key to teaching your child about numbers is to provide them with a comfortable environment to learn.

This can be achieved by using a variety of different strategies, but the easiest way to go about this is to use a teaching method that your child is comfortable with. When teaching a child about numbers, the key to success is understanding your child’s preferences and adjusting your teaching accordingly.

If you are coming up with ideas on how to introduce new ideas to your child’s life, try out different ways until you find something that works best with your child’s personality and learning style.

The Importance of Number Ordering

Children are very visual creatures. This means that they process numbers and other visual information much more quickly than people do on a cognitive level. Because of this, it is very important that you order your child’s numbers correctly. This helps your child build an accurate mental diagram of the numbers he/she is dealing with.


We are child development enthusiasts. Based on our parenting journeys, we are passionate about gathering information, research backed insights and resources to help other parents and teachers put children on a solid path beyond development to excellence.