Child Development By Subject, Math and Numbers

How To Teach A Child To Add Numbers


by GigglePanda


After young learners get a fundamental understanding of numbers, addition is the first significant mathematical step.

Introduce Addition Utilizing Manipulatives That Count

Making addition concrete and understandable by using countable manipulatives (physical items) will be much easier. It’s crucial to use a diversity so that pupils start to comprehend the idea regardless of what is being tallied.

Before moving on to tokens, bottle caps, or paper cutouts, counting with your fingers is the most natural method. Put pupils in small groups and ask them to join up if you wish to include some movement. Count out the total members once again after they have joined.

Switch To Visuals

Start putting addition on paper by having kids draw objects they can count or utilizing illustrated sums.

The greatest way to encourage linkage between the two is to include both pictures and figures. Use a graphic organizer with an area for sketching beneath each number and the total written across the top.

Use a Number line

Most students will still be adding at this point, adding up each number in a sum to get the final answer. However, using a number line eliminates the requirement to count out the initial number in the sum.

Students can start with the number four and count up three places to reach seven, for instance, if the sum is 4 plus 3. To find the answer, they are no longer need to count out the 4 first.

Adding Up

Once pupils are adept at using a number line, you’ll want them to mentally employ the same “counting up” technique.

Counting Up

They can then practice this by vocally counting their fingers. Let’s continue using 4 + 3 as an illustration:

Students begin by closing their fist and saying “4”.

Students then extend three fingers, one at a time, counting up “5, 6, 7”.

Remind the students that the answer isn’t 3, despite their extended three fingers.

The answer is 7, as they began with a 4 in their fist and counted up from there.

When teaching children to add numbers, there are many ways to go about it. In this article, we’ll share our top tips on how to teach kids to add numbers.

Addition is an important skill for all students, but especially those in elementary school. We’ll show you how to teach addition using fun games and other methods that will keep your child engaged.

You Can Also Use The Basic Addition Starting Form Number 1 As Outlined Below

Start with 1 + 1 = 2

It’s easy to start by showing them one plus one equals two. This method works well because it’s simple and memorable. However, it also assumes that the student knows what one plus one means. If not, then you need to explain it first.

Then Move Onto 3 + 3 = 6

Once the child understands what one plus one equals two, then you can move on to three plus three equals six. You can use a number line to help with this.

Next, 4 + 4 = 8

If you’re using a number line, start by showing them four dots at the beginning of the line. Then show them four more dots after that. Now, tell them that these dots represent four different numbers. Show them that the first dot represents 1, the second dot represents 2, the third dot represents 3, and the fourth dot represents 4.

Finally, 5 + 5 = 10

Once you’ve shown them the dots, ask them what each one means. Ask them to name the number represented by each dot. You should see that they understand the concept of addition. Next, ask them to make a prediction. Tell them that you will give them a number between 0 and 100. They must then guess what number you will give them.

Next up, 4 + 4 = 8

If they guessed correctly, tell them that’s right! If not, explain why they were wrong. Then, ask them to do the same thing with another two numbers. This time, however, tell them that the first number is going to be higher than the second number.

Why Is It Important To Teach Math To Kids?

Math is one of the most important subjects that kids can learn. It helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential in every area of life. Kids who are good at math tend to do better in school and in their careers. That’s why it’s important to start teaching math to kids as early as possible. With the right instruction, they can become confident and successful in this important subject.

What Are The Best Ways To Teach Addition To Kids?

There are several different ways to teach addition to kids. One way is to use physical objects, such as blocks or beads, to help them visualize the equation. Another way is to use flashcards with addition problems on them. You can also use an app or online program to help teach addition. Whichever way you choose, make sure to practice the skill regularly to help your child learn it well.

How Can Parents Help Their Kids With Math Homework?

There are a few different things that parents can do to help their kids with math homework. One is to make sure that they are doing their homework at a desk or table in a well-lit area, and that they have all of the materials they need. Parents can also help by checking that their kids are understanding the concepts that they are learning in class, and by practicing math problems with them.

What Are Some Fun Math Activities For Kids?

There are many fun math activities for kids. One is to have them count how many of each color of crayon they have. Another is to have them make a shape with their fingers and then ask how many sides and angles it has. They can also try to solve math problems as quickly as they can. These are just a few examples; there are many more fun math activities out there.

How Can Kids Learn To Love Math?

Kids can learn to love math by playing math games, doing math problems, and learning about the history of math. Math games help kids learn the math facts and the order of operations. Doing math problems helps kids learn how to solve problems. Learning about the history of math helps kids understand why math is the way it is.

When And How To Start Teaching Kids Addition

There is no magic number regards when to start teaching kids numbers.

When kids can be taught addition will vary depending on the child’s individual abilities and level of understanding. However, it is generally advisable to start teaching addition around the age of six or seven, when kids are generally developmentally ready to learn it.

You can start teaching kids addition in a number of ways. One popular method is to begin with addition within 10, teaching kids how to add numbers up to 10 and then counting on from there.

Another approach is to start with addition facts (e.g. 2 + 3 = 5), teaching kids the basic combinations of numbers that result in a sum of 10. You can also mix and match these methods, depending on what works best for your child.

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to make sure that kids are constantly practicing their addition skills.

You can do this by giving them addition worksheets to complete, playing addition games, or using other fun activities that help reinforce the concepts. With a little bit of practice, kids will be able to add numbers quickly and confidently.

What Methods Work Best For Teaching Addition

When it comes to teaching addition, there are a variety of methods that can be used. Some of the most popular methods include using flashcards, using a number line, and using a worksheet. Flashcards are a great way to help students learn the order of addition, and they can be used to practice addition problems.

A number line is helpful for teaching students the concept of addition, and it can also be used to practice addition problems. Worksheets are a great way for students to practice addition problems, and they can also be used to review addition concepts.

How To Make Learning Addition Fun And Engaging

There are many fun and engaging ways to learn addition. One way is to use flashcards. You can make your own flashcards or use online flashcards. Another way to learn addition is by using games. There are many different addition games that are fun and engaging. You can find these games online or in stores.

You can also make your own games. Finally, you can use worksheets. There are many different addition worksheets that are fun and engaging. You can find these worksheets online or in stores.

Final Thoughts

Adding to kids is a great way to help them learn math. It can be done in a variety of ways, and it’s a skill that will come in handy. Here are a few tips on how to add to kids.

Thanks for reading! We hope these tips and tricks will help you teach math to kids effectively.


We are child development enthusiasts. Based on our parenting journeys, we are passionate about gathering information, research backed insights and resources to help other parents and teachers put children on a solid path beyond development to excellence.