Child Development, Parenting

At What Age Does Parenting Become Easier?


by GigglePanda


Parenting is an exciting but challenging journey. As a parent you could be wondering: At What Age Does Parenting Become Easier?

This post helps you to understand dynamics of parenting, the challenges and when parenting gets easier for a you as a parent based on the development stage of the child.

Once your toddler is able to walk, parenting will become easier. Dad will be able to take them places on his own.

Mom will have time to do some housework again and rediscover her own free time.

Each stage of parenting has its own challenges and good aspects.

From 12 months to 18 months, parenting becomes a breeze, thanks to a few milestones.

Self-Regulation And Self-Soothing Skills Develop

Children with better self-regulation skills are more likely to succeed in school and stay out of trouble.

They also have fewer behavioral issues later in life.

These skills develop naturally with practice and exposure. In children, the first step toward self-regulation is understanding what triggers strong feelings.

When a child is able to control their feelings, they can self-soothe and regulate their behaviors.

While children can have tantrums at any age, they need help learning to control their own emotional responses.

Self-regulation, also known as emotional regulation, is an essential life skill for kids. Some children are born with a harder time with this than others.

In addition, many kids develop poor self-regulation skills if their parents are too eager to solve problems. Other children may have ADHD or anxiety problems.

As a parent, it is crucial to help children learn to regulate their feelings. It’s important for them to understand that self-regulation isn’t about avoidance.

Children with self-regulation issues can benefit from coaching.

Teach Your Child To Take Baby Steps

If a child is having trouble putting toothpaste on their toothbrush, they can begin by placing a small amount of toothpaste on the brush and build on this step over time.

Parents can also encourage their child to reflect when he or she is acting out.

This will help children learn to ask “what went wrong” and “why” when they act out.

At what age does parenting become easier? Self-regulation and self-soothing skills develop

Children Become Curious About ‘How’ And ‘Why’ Things Happen

By the age of four, children are more independent, can feed themselves, and start asking questions about the world around them.

This stage also marks the beginning of children’s development as a moral being, with internalized conscience and better impulse control.

Listed below are some things to look for as your child nears this age. Listed below are some common signs of this milestone.

At this age, children may be embarrassed and confused about how babies are born.

If your child asks you how babies are born, don’t be embarrassed – a casual explanation will work best.

Parents should also avoid showing discomfort when answering questions, as this may give the impression that you’re ashamed.

Instead, explain to your child that the sperm from the father joins the egg from the mother.

At what age does parenting become easier? Fortunately, it doesn’t happen overnight. Your child will need you to model good values and talk to them about their sexual development.

While some children take this transition in stride, others will struggle.

Your Presence is Crucial

Whatever you do, make sure to be present with your child when you talk to him/her to help them cope with the changes.

Try to do this when there are no distractions.

If necessary, talk with other parents or children. Read up on parenting issues to help you navigate these challenging stages.

At this age, your child will begin asking questions. This is a wonderful time to talk about different aspects of their life.

For example, they might be interested in learning about how babies are made.

Other children may also be interested in how babies are created. When children start asking questions about how they’re made, they become naturally curious.

They may ask you why their parents make them, or they may ask them how a certain object works.

You can make it easier for your child by being more aware of what they’re asking and making it easier to answer.

Sleeping Through The Night

Many experts define sleeping through the night as six to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep for infants and children.

Although infants and children may still need to nurse in between six and nine hours of sleep, they should be resting at least six hours each night.

By sleeping through the night, a baby is able to recover from their day’s activities and is more alert in the morning.

Here are some tips for helping your baby sleep through the night.

Some babies may start sleeping longer stretches at four to six months, but sleep through the night typically happens between six and eight months.

Eliminating night time feedings will help babies reach this milestone sooner.

Babies who are exclusively breastfed will metabolize breast milk rapidly, resulting in an extended night’s sleep.

However, this is not guaranteed. It may take up to six months to achieve this milestone.

Despite the fact that parenting is a full-time job, it can also become easier.

After a baby reaches the age of two or three months, most babies are able to sleep through the night.

However, this doesn’t mean that parenting is easy.

As a parent, you will be looking forward to the day when your baby will sleep through the night. Babies typically start sleeping through the night around six months and weigh about 13 pounds.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, about half of all babies can sleep through the night at six months, and nearly 70 percent by twelve months.

By that age, a baby’s sleep cycle will be much more predictable, making it easier to manage daily life and your child’s sleep.

There is a lot of science behind this. According to a study by Pennestri, a pediatrician and sleep researcher, interrupted sleep is not linked to physical or cognitive problems.

That said, it is still important to know that sleeping through the night is possible and can help you avoid the many pitfalls that come with parenthood.

So, keep reading to learn more about the benefits of sleep and how to help your child sleep better!

Learning To Accept That You Have No Control

As your child gets older, you will realize that you have little to no control over their behavior.

You will have to accept that they will eventually assert their independence.

You may be proud of your child’s independence, but you might also be frustrated when they refuse to do chores.

Instead of trying to control every aspect of their lives, focus on making sure their behavior matches the words you use to instruct them.

Don’t Be A Control Freak

Parents have to learn to let go of the need to control everything in a child’s life.

This is especially true when the child is a teenager. They become more independent and smarter than their parents, and this often leads to hormonal arguments.

The best way to deal with the teen years is to be open and honest with them and treat them as adults.

As a parent, it is important to know what actions you need to take to protect your child and prevent pain.

In addition, you need to give your child space to react to situations and not micromanage every situation.

At this age, your child is still young enough to be an independent individual and begin helping with chores.

Nonetheless, many parents look at this age as a relaxed time for raising children.

This is because babies are complex and challenging from birth until they reach a year of age.

Having A Supportive Partner

When children grow up, parenting becomes more difficult, and your responsibilities increase.

You must ensure the safety of your child and train them to live on their own. Parenting can be emotionally and intellectually draining, and it involves a significant financial strain.

As a parent, you must be ready to face these challenges, but there are ways to make parenting easier, including accepting help.

You can enlist the help of friends and family who can offer practical and emotional support.

Discuss Challenges and Dynamics With Your Partner

If you are facing difficulties in parenting your children, try to discuss them with your partner before the children are present. You can discuss parenting strategies together.

Be sure to support each other’s decisions and try to avoid interfering in your partner’s parenting style.

It is best to discuss parenting issues in a private setting and avoid bringing your children into the conversation.

This will help you raise your children in harmony.

As a parent, it is important to remember that your marriage needs your support and help.

It can be difficult to take care of your marriage, but it is necessary if you want your children to have a happy family.

If your partner is not supportive, it may be time to get help.

Talking to a relationship counsellor or psychologist is a great idea if your relationship is not working out.

Final Thoughts

As a parent, you must be willing to confront the challenges that come with parenthood.

Whether you are parenting alone or with an adult partner, it is essential to be prepared to face the difficulties that come with this new role.

But as long as you’re willing to take on the challenges of parenthood, it will get easier.

There is no denying that parenting can be a challenging journey regardless of the stage of development or age of the child.

However, parenting is can be an exciting journey indeed.

As you child grows begin to be able to take of themselves on one area or another than parenting becomes easier all the way until the child eases into youth and adulthood.

Whatever stage your child is in, cherish it, you will miss that stage pretty soon. As the old saying goes, they grow so fast!

All the best in your parenting journey.


We are child development enthusiasts. Based on our parenting journeys, we are passionate about gathering information, research backed insights and resources to help other parents and teachers put children on a solid path beyond development to excellence.